Thursday, November 15, 2007

Student Question Week One #7

Describe a typical day in your life?


Anonymous said...

A typical day in RObin Ivy's life is waking up in the morning going to school, going to work, coming home, do my homework, go outside hand out with friends, come home, get on the computer, take a shower, go to bed .....and start all over again.

Anonymous said...

First i wake up at 6:oo a.m. I get in the shower, brush my teeth and wash my face. Then i put on my clothes. I do my hair and im ready to leave for school. I come home from school and i usually take my dog out. I do my homework then i o outside til curfew. I come home eat wash up and go to sleep.

Anonymous said...

my tipical day in my life let's see i wake up in the morning i go to school and the in the evening i go home then i go to my sister's house i take care of baby shilah and the i go back home and take a shower and then i do my home work the i get on the computer and then go to sleep in my room

Anonymous said...

a typical day in my life is going school, getting on the compture an improve an making beats and hangin out

Anonymous said...

A typpical day to me is me getting up, doing my usuals, going to school seeing everyone I want to see. going to practice. Going home to an well-cooked meal. My sister yelling, my brother getting in trouble. Me being very happy.

Unknown said...

I wake up at 6.30 am, I prepare breakfast for my son and his box lunch, I wake up Miguel, and he dress his uniform, I eat my breakfast too. I take a bath and prepare to go to work at 8.00 am, I return home at 2 or 3:00 pm, I take meals, do house work, prepare food for the next day, I make and serve dinner, wash dishes, clean the kitchen and go to sleep, and start all over again (this routine its for weekdays), on friday its a flea market near my house I go to buy vegetables and fruits for the next week.

Anonymous said...

I wake up around 6:45, get ready for school, leave at 7:40, and arrive at school where I stay until 3:15. After school, I go to cheerleading practice or piano lessons then go home where I do my homework and practice the piano for two hours. Before bed, I read a book for about an hour. It puts me to sleep. In between all of that, I find time to hang out with all of my friends!

Anonymous said...

A typical day in my life is jus getting for school going and learning, then coming home doing my homework annd being on my computer all day until it's time for me to go sleep

Anonymous said...

A typical day in my life is coming home from school everyday watching Law&Order and talking to my friends on the phone.